TiGeR 2013 - June 19-21, 2013

During TiGeR 2013, we aim to bring together researchers working on empirical and technical approaches to gesture production and comprehension.

The meeting will contain a special theme-session on theoretical and computational models of gesture and speech production. During this special session, we will discuss and compare competing models of the speech-gesture interface, both from an empirical and a technical perspective, with the following invited speakers:

Two other themes that we want to highlight during TiGeR 2013 are cross-cultural differences in gesture production/comprehension and language acquisition and gesture. These topics will be addressed by our invited speakers:

We received financial support from The Tilburg School of Humanities (TSH) of Tilburg University and The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), via the Vici project "Bridging the gap between computational linguistics and psycholinguistics: The case of referring expressions" (Krahmer; 277-70-007) and the Internationalisation of the Humanities project: "Socio-cognitive mechanisms of symbolic communication" (Vogt; 236-98-007), which are gratefully acknowledged. In addition, we received financial support from the Netherlands Research School for Information and Knowledge Systems (SIKS), who sponsers registration of SIKS PhDs. Finally, we received financial support from the Cognitive Science Society, who sponsors a best student paper award of $ 250, which will be awarded during TiGeR 2013.

We look forward to seeing you in Tilburg!

The TiGeR 2013 Organizing Committee